DraftExpress Stat Legend

DraftExpress Stat Legend

Mar 19, 2004, 12:00 am
Noah Libby-Haines
Noah Libby-Haines
Stat Notes
Filtering by position only works for prospects in the DX database, and position is matched vs expected, possible, and college positions. A player playing C in college who is expected to be a PF in the NBA will show up on both the PF and C search.

Filtering by stage only works for players who are in college this year.

Possession based stats inspired by Dean Oliver. Many of the statistics described below are very similar to those presented in Oliver's highly recommended book, Basketball on Paper.

The frequent appearance of .47 coefficient in many of the statistics presented below is due to a study conducted by Ken Pomeroy.

Basic Statistics

•GP/Tm: Number of games played by player / Number of games played by player's team.
•Min: Number of minutes played.
•Pts: Number of points scored.
•FG: Number of field goals made
•FGA: Number of field goals attempted.
•FTM: Number of free throws made.
•FTA: Number of free throws attempted.
•3Pt: Number of 3-point field goal attempts made.
•3PtA: Number of 3-point field goal attempts.
•3P%: Percentage of 3-point field goal attempts made.
•Off: Number of offensive rebounds.
•Def: Number of defensive rebounds.
•TOT: Number of rebounds.
•Asts: Number of assists.
•Stls: Number of steals.
•Blks: Number of blocks.
•TOs: Number of turnovers.
•PFs: Number of personal fouls.

Efficiency Statistics

Player Info:

•GP/Tm: Number of games played by player / Number of games played by player's team.
•Min: Number of minutes played.

Shooting Ratios:

•PTs/g: Number of points scored per game played.
•Pts/Play: Points scored by player per play used. A play is approximated by the following formula: Play = .47*FTMade + .47*Dreb%*(FTMissed) + FGMade + (FGMissed)*Dreb% + TOs, where Dreb% is the proportion of rebounds that are defensive.
•TS%: True shooting percentage. Developed by John Hollinger. Provides an overall measure of a players scoring efficiency. Calculated by the following formula: TS% = Pts/(2*(FGA + (.47*FTA)).
•eFG%: Effective field goal percentage. Developed by Mike Dunleavy. Provides an overall measure of a players shooting efficiency from the field, adjusting for the difference in value between 2 and 3 point field goals. Calculated by the following formula: (FG + .5*3Pt)/FGA.
•FTA/FGA: Free throw attempts taken by the player per field goal attempted. May provide some measure of players aggressiveness. Numbers may be inflated for players with few FGA/g since free throws opportunities result from non-shooting fouls in bonus situations.
•3PA/FGA: 3 point field goal attempt per field goal attempt taken by the player.

Passing Ratios:

•Ast/g: Assists per game made by the player.
•Ast/FGA: Assists per field goal attempt taken by the player. Provides some insight into the player's ability to set up teammates relative to his scoring ability. Because a player will collect some number of assists incidentally as a result of being on the floor this ratio may be inflated or deflated for players who take very few or very many shots per minute respectively.
•A/TO: Assist per turnover made by the player. Provides some insight into the player's ball-handling and play-making ability.

Defensive Ratios:

•BLK/g: Blocks per game made by the player.
•STL/g: Steals per game made by the player.
•PF/g: Personal Fouls per game committed by the player.
•Blk/PF: Blocks recorded per personal foul committed by the player. Measures a player's ability to block shots relative to his propensity to commit personal fouls. Because personal fouls can be committed doing a number of things besides attempting to block shots this should not be interpreted as a measure of a players ability to block shots without fouling.
•Stl/PF: Steals recorded per personal foul committed by the player. Measures a player's ability to steal the basketball relative to his propensity to commit personal fouls. Because personal fouls can be committed doing a number of things besides attempting to steal the ball this should not be interpreted as a measure of a players ability to steal the ball without fouling.
•B+S/PF: Sum of blocks and steals recorded per personal foul committed by the player. May provide some insight into a players ability to play aggressive defense without fouling.

Usage Statistics

Player Info:

•GP/Tm: Number of games played by player / Number of games played by player's team.
•Min: Number of minutes played.

Complete Metrics:

•PER: Player Efficiency Rating. A weighted combination of various traditional statistics adjusted for minutes played and game pace, developed by ESPN's John Hollinger, and described in-depth in his book "Pro Basketball Prospectus" Wikipedia article explaining its calculation, its guiding principles, and its limitations is here. Because a league average of a PER of 15 is imposed in its calculation, and there are a huge number of college players within an incredibly wide range of talent, the top college performers have astronomical PERs in comparison with their NBA counterparts. For this reason it is unwise to compare PERs for players in different leagues.
•EFF: NBA's “Efficiency” statistic. A linear combination of traditional NBA statistics where everything is weighted as either a positive or negative one. Provides a decent overall measurement of a players contribution to team success. Calculated using the following formula: EFF = ((PTs + ORs + DRs + Stls + Asts + Blks): ((FGA: FG) + (FTA: FT) + Tos))/g

•EFF/40: EFF statistic, but instead of calculated per game, it's calculated per 40 minutes.

•WS/40: Win score per 40 minutes. Win score is a statistic created by David Berri. For more details information on the Win score you can check out his blog or his book: Wages of Wins. The statistic is created by taking PTS + TRB + STL + .5* BLK + .5*AST - FGA - .5*FTA - TO - .5*PF / Min * 40. Win Scores are best evaluated using a positional baseline as certain positions are apt to obtain better stats. NBA Averages are: C: 9, PF: 8.6, SF: 6.08, SG: 5.12, PG: 5.28. Like many stats, the college equivalents are inflated significantly for prospect caliber players. It's best to just realize that due to rebounding the statistic favors big men.

Possession Info:

•Pos/G: An estimate of the number of possessions per game used by the player. As a general rule the more possessions a player uses per game the harder it is for that player to use them efficiently. However, for players with very low usage rates this is unlikely to apply. Possessions used approximated by the following formula: Pos = .47*FTMade + .47*Dreb%*(FTMissed) + FGMade + (FGMissed)*Dreb% + TOs, where Dreb% is the proportion of rebounds that are defensive.

•Tm Pos/G: An estimate of the number of possessions per game for the player's team. High values indicate that the player is on a team that plays at a fast pace. Tm Pos is calculated using the following formula: Tm Pos = TmFGAs: TmOrs + TmTos + (.47*TmFTAs)
•% Tm Pos: The percentage of the team's possessions used by the player. Calculated as follows: % Tm Pos = [(Pos/G)/(TmPos/G) ] * 100%
•Usg Rate: An estimate of the percentage of the team's possessions while the player was on the floor that were used by the player. Calculated as follows: Usg Rate = (Pos/Tm Pos)*(TmMins/Mins)

Possession Ratios:

•Pts/Pos: Ratio of points scored by the player to possessions used. A great measurement of overall offensive efficiency.
•FGA/Pos: Ratio of FGAs taken by the player to possessions used. Provides a good measure of how much of a players offense comes on field goal attempts.
•FTA/Pos: Ratio of FTAs taken by the player to possessions used. Provides a good measure of a players ability to get to the line.
•Ast/Pos: Ratio of assists to possessions used. Provides a good measure of a players ability and willingness to set up his teammates.
•TO/Pos: Ratio of turnovers to possessions used. Provides a good measure of a player's propensity to turn the ball over.

Player Percentage of Team's Offensive Stats

Player Info:

•GP/Tm: Number of games played by player / Number of games played by player's team.
•Min: Number of minutes played.

Total Points:

•Pts: Number of points scored by the player
•Tm: Number of points scored by the player's team.
•%Tm: Percentage of points scored by the player's team that were scored by the player.

Field Goals:

•Fg: Number of field goals made by the player.
•Tm: Number of field goals made by the player's team.
•%Tm: Percentage of field goals made by the player's team that were made by the player.
•Fga: Number of field goal attempts taken by the player.
•Tm: Number of field goal attempts taken by the player's team.
•%Tm: Percentage of field goal attempts taken by the player's team that were taken by the player.

3 Point Shooting:

•3Pt: Number of 3 point field goals made by the player.
•Tm: Number of 3 point field goals made by the player's team.
•%Tm: Percentage of 3 point field goals made by the player's team that were made by the player.
•3Pta: Number of 3 point field goal attempts taken by the player.
•Tm: Number of 3 point field goal attempts taken by the player's team.
•%Tm: Percentage of 3 point field goal attempts taken by the player's team that were taken by the player.

Free Throw Shooting:

•Ft: Number of free throws made by the player.
•Tm: Number of free throws made by the player's team.
•%Tm: Percentage of free throws made by the player's team that were made by the player.
•Fta: Number of free throw attempts taken by the player.
•Tm: Number of free throw attempts taken by the player's team.
•%Tm: Percentage of free throws taken by the player's team that were taken by the player.

Player Percentage of Team's Defensive Stats

Player Info:

•GP/Tm: Number of games played by player / Number of games played by player's team.
•Min: Number of minutes played.

Offensive Rebounding:

•Off: Number of offensive rebounds by the player.
•Tm: Number of offensive rebounds by the player's team.
•% Tm: Percentage of offensive rebounds for the player's team that were credited to the player.

Defensive Rebounding:

•Def: Number of defensive rebounds by the player.
•Tm: Number of defensive rebounds by the player's team.
•% Tm: Percentage of defensive rebounds for the player's team that were credited to the player.

Total Rebounding:

•Tot: Number of rebounds by the player.
•Tm: Number of rebounds by the player's team.
•%Tm: Percentage of rebounds for the player's team that were credited to the player.

Blocked Shots:

•Blk: Number of blocks made by the player.
•Tm: Number of blocks made by the player's team.
•% Tm: Percentage of blocks for the player's team that were credited to the player.


•STL: Number of steals made by the player.
•Tm: Number of steals made by the player's team.
•% Tm: Percentage of steals for the player's team that were credited to the player.